Botox Gummy Smile Correction

Botox Gummy Smile Correction In Orland Park

Botox Gummy Smile Correction is a non-surgical procedure to address excessive gum exposure when smiling. Strategically injecting Botox into the upper lip muscles relaxes the muscles responsible for pulling the lip too far upward, reducing the amount of gum showing when smiling. This treatment primarily targets the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN) muscles, which elevate the upper lip.

Botox Gummy Smile Correction in Orland Park, IL, is suitable for individuals who are bothered by a gummy smile and seek a non-invasive solution. Results typically become noticeable within a few days after treatment, with optimal results appearing within one to two weeks. It lasts 3-4 months, with minimal downtime and temporary side effects like swelling or bruising. Avoid blood-thinning medications and alcohol before treatment. Refrain from strenuous activities 24 hours after treatment and avoid massaging the treated area. Mild discomfort from injections is joint but typically manageable. If you want a more balanced smile, book your appointment today at Smile Bar and Aesthetics in Orland Park, IL.

Benefits of Botox Gummy Smile Correction


Who is a good candidate for Botox Gummy Smile Correction?

Ideal candidates are those troubled by excessive gum display when smiling, in good health, and with realistic expectations.
Results typically become noticeable within a few days, with optimal results appearing within one to two weeks.
The effects typically last around three to four months.
There is typically no downtime, and any side effects are temporary, such as bruising or swelling at the injection sites.
Before the treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications and drinking alcohol. After the treatment, do not touch or rub the treated area or do strenuous activities for at least 24 hours.
Botox Gummy Smile Correction involves small injections in the upper lip area, taking 10-15 minutes in the office. Mild discomfort may occur, but it’s generally well-tolerated. There’s minimal downtime so that you can resume normal activities after the treatment.
We also offer free consultations.
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